Eugie Foster was a very good friend of mine. I met her and her husband Matthew Foster many years ago. We immediately became friends and I've spent the better part of my life having them make my life fuller and richer for the experience. Several years ago Eugie was taken from us by cancer. I'd prefer to not talk too much about that, but suffice to say it was a tragedy. Eugie was a fantastic and prolific author. She wrote mainly fantasy fiction but was quite accomplished at other genres as well. Since her passing her husband has created the Eugie Award in her honor. This is a yearly literary award for excellence in fiction. Please follow the link to learn more about this award.
Addy Neilson from Tangled Earth Arts creates the actual physical award every year. This year, being the dumpster fire that is 2020, the awards ceremony was forced into being an online only event. The event was as successful as it could be this year but the award itself was still just as meaningful and beautiful as it has been in the past. I was given the opportunity to make a short documentary detailing Addy's process and her connection with Eugie and the award.
As always, please like, subscribe, share, comment, etc. and definitely check out both Eugie and Addy's work.